Eerste reacties Guardians of the Galaxy 3: ‘Beste openingsscène ooit’
3 mei is het dan eindelijk zover! Vanaf dan draait Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 in de Nederlandse bioscopen. Het grote afscheid van de superheldengroep én James Gunn. Is het een waardige afsluiter? De eerste reacties van critici beloven veel goeds!
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 komt uit op een ietwat akward moment. De regisseur van de Guardians-trilogie, James Gunn, is ondertussen studiobaas geworden bij DC. ‘De vijand’, als je het de meest diehard fanboys zou vragen. De blockbuster is daarmee niet alleen het grote afscheid van de ooit obscure superheldengroep, maar ook van Gunn zelf. De beste man is al druk bezig met het bouwen aan een nieuw begin voor de DC-films.
Afscheid van James Gunn
Bovendien heeft Marvel Studios het pittig. De laatste paar MCU-films deden het nou niet bepaald geweldig, en werden zowel door critici als door het publiek zeer wisselvallig ontvangen. De magie is er een beetje vanaf, zou je kunnen stellen. Zeker sinds Avengers: Endgame mist het Marvel Cinematic Universe focus, een richting. Kan Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 ons er eindelijk weer aan gaan herinneren waarom we de Marvel-films zo geweldig vonden?
De afsluiter van de trilogie stond oorspronkelijk op de planning voor mei 2020, maar in 2018 ontstond er onenigheid tussen Gunn en Disney toen er oude tweets van de filmmaker opdoken. Toen begon het flirten met DC al, want Warner Bros. ontving Gunn met open armen. Het resultaat was The Suicide Squad. Een jaar later belde Marvel Studios toch weer de regisseur, die eindelijk zijn trilogie af kon gaan maken.
Critici reageren op Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
De resulterende film, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, komt pas op 3 mei uit in de Nederlandse bioscopen. Amerikaanse critici kregen afgelopen weken echter al de kans om ‘m te zien, evenals een select publiek tijdens een gala in Disneyland Parijs. Daardoor zijn de eerste reacties al op Twitter te vinden, die we hieronder voor je hebben verzameld. Volledige recensies laten nog even op zich wachten, maar de eerste reacties zijn alvast veelbelovend.
Sure, dit soort tweets zijn bijna altijd positief, de derde Ant-Man werd ook in de eerste reacties geprezen, maar dit keer is het duidelijk dat Gunn zijn fans niet teleurstelt. De vergelijkingen met de afgelopen MCU-films, die vrij inwisselbaar waren, vliegen je online om de oren. Fans en critici noemen de laatste Guardians of the Galaxy verfrissend, bijzonder vermakelijk en vooral verrassend emotioneel.
Kijk, een Marvel-film die weer een snaar weet te raken, dat klinkt ons als muziek om de oren! Check hieronder alle reacties op Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 die we konden vinden:
My reaction to #GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3 : thank God that James Gunn is back in the MCU. This is easily the best Marvel movie in years and had a real, heartfelt, and surprisingly wistful heart.
— David Crow (@DCrowsNest) April 28, 2023
After so much superhero movie fatigue, #GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3 is a refreshing & unexpected joy to watch. It carries tons of emotional weight, laughs & action. There were a few moments that surprised me in mixed ways, but it’s a beautiful tribute to friends who are like family.
— Kristen Maldonado (@kaymaldo) April 28, 2023
Simply incredible. I can’t imagine #GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3 being a more perfect ending to James Gunn’s trilogy. Every payoff, every emotion, every character journey. It’s about as good as Marvel movies get. Funny, poignant, exciting, I want to watch it again right now.
— Germain Lussier (@GermainLussier) April 28, 2023
#GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3 just destroyed me. Everything I hoped for and then some.
The first film became my favorite MCU movie back in 2014, and now this one locks it in as my favorite series within the franchise.
Fell in love with this group of misfit characters who find…
— Perri Nemiroff (@PNemiroff) April 28, 2023
#GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3 is the best Marvel movie in years. Perfect blend of humor, heart, and action with an epic third act that doesn’t devolve into CGI mush. Will Poulter is a legend.
— Jake (@jacobkleinman) April 28, 2023
Trust that I’m not being hyperbolic when I say, #GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3 is one of the best MCU films to date.
It’s truly incredible.
A deeply emotional story that perfectly utilizes all of its characters in the best ways.
The comedic balance has never been better.
— Russ Milheim – The Direct (@RussMilheim) April 28, 2023
#GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3 has the most heart & soul from any MCU film in a long time. At times it's hard to believe that Gunn got away with so much of this, in the best way possible. You're going to need tissues, but not for the reasons you're expecting.
Full review soon!
— Andrew J. Salazar (@AndrewJ626) April 28, 2023
#GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3 has the most heart & soul from any MCU film in a long time. At times it's hard to believe that Gunn got away with so much of this, in the best way possible. You're going to need tissues, but not for the reasons you're expecting.
Full review soon!
— Andrew J. Salazar (@AndrewJ626) April 28, 2023
#GotGVol3 // #GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3 is a rousing delight packed with hilarity & sincerity. Finds a brilliant balance between the dark & light material, which is guided by genuine, earned emotion. Houses a perfect long running gag. Iwuji provides a chilling, menacing villain.
— Courtney Howard (@Lulamaybelle) April 28, 2023
Proud to report that #GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3 takes the trilogy out on an extremely high note.
Highlights include one of the best villain performances in action sequences ever in the #MCU.
Full thoughts on @comicbooknation! #GotGVol3
— Kofi Outlaw (@KofiOutlaw) April 28, 2023
Loved #GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3. @JamesGunn is leaving Marvel with an exceptional last film and it’s loaded with so many great moments it’s hard to pick my favorite scene. Saw in @IMAX and it was a fantastic presentation. Will miss these misfits a lot.
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) April 28, 2023
GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL 3, James Gunn bets the house on a, surprisingly, emotional story centered on Rocket and the love and friendship between these characters. Bets and wins. It’s pretty incredible (animal lovers, there are a couple tough scenes) #GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3
— Mike Ryan (@mikeryan) April 28, 2023
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is for the freaks, for the weirdos. It’s also heart wrenching. In the end, it’s a triumph of science fiction. James Gunn does not miss. #GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3 #GotGVol3
— Hunter Bolding (@HunterBVideo) April 28, 2023
#GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3 is endearing, heartfelt, hilarious, BADASS (an incredible one shot) but most of all everything you want from a finale I cried, I laughed, & I feel completley satisfied! @JamesGunn has delivered the perfect finale & one of the best trilogies of all time
— Zach Pope (@popetheking) April 28, 2023
#GuardiansoftheGalaxyVol3 is a bittersweet conclusion to a story about our favorite dysfunctional family of misfits and outsiders. It’s music filled finale that’s goofy, sick, and heartbreaking. They let James Gunn loose with this and he certainly delivers. What a way to go.
— Michael Lee @ D23expo (@IamMichaelJLee) April 28, 2023
#GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3 is nothing short of amazing. It is a touching and action packed send off for these great characters. This left a big smile on my face when it ended. A few small gripes but nothing major. Rocket Raccoon is the MVP.
— Jake Peffer (@J_Peffer) April 28, 2023
As someone who didn’t love Guardians, Vol 2., happy to report that #GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3 is awesome (and genuinely emotional). It’s a great ending to the series – with several of the team’s best individual hero moments and one of the MCU’s best action set pieces.
— Ben Kendrick (@benkendrick) April 28, 2023
#GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3 is a special MCU entry. These characters continue to show growth, and this finale ties so much together. Fans will feel so many things when the credits hit, but it will be hard not to smile. This movie will bring joy and satisfaction to many.
— Austin Burke (@theBurk3nator) April 28, 2023
#GuardiansofTheGalaxyVol3 is a return to high form for the MCU that lately has been a mix of various quality in its theatrical releases the last couple years. James Gunn’s Marvel swan song is a love letter to these beloved characters that hits all the right notes of humor & heart
— Dennis Tzeng 曾逸凡 (@ThinkHero) April 28, 2023
I don’t think I could’ve asked for a more emotional, hilarious, satisfying ending to these bunch of a—holes. Everything with this group and Rocket’s GOTG arc is something special. Thank you James Gunn for everything 😭🫶🏼 #GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3
— Meredith Loftus (@MeredithLoftus) April 28, 2023
Well, #GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3 floored me. It’s one of the most heartfelt and thoughtfully executed films in MCU, but more than anything, it’s a beautifully honest love letter to found families.
— Gissane Sophia (@GissaneSophia) April 28, 2023
#GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3 also seems content & even transparent w/ the assumption that it’s using this chapter of the motley crew fantasy to validate 2 things in reality—all close to Gunn: that distance does make the heart grow fonder & real maturity does happen eventually [2/2]
— Nguyên Lê 🍥 (@thevietwhoviet) April 28, 2023
SEEN! James Gunn—on many fronts & to many souls—says the dog days are over, making #GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3 a trilogy closer packed with euphoria. Lots of heart, danger & tactile beauty from early MCU entries, enough to render the marks of excess length & noise microscopic [1/2]
— Nguyên Lê 🍥 (@thevietwhoviet) April 28, 2023
All I’m gonna say is James Gunn stuck the landing. Was expecting to get emotional, but for different reasons than I did. And we’ve known this since GotG 1, but Rocket really is the MVP of this franchise. #GuardiansoftheGalaxyVol3
— Eric Ansley Diaz 🏳️🌈 (@GeekBoyEric) April 28, 2023
I’ve never full-body sobbed in a movie theater like I did during #GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3. This film is the apotheosis of @JamesGunn as a filmmaker and storyteller and a hilarious, gut-wrenching and glorious send-off for this group of Guardians. Comic book movies at their best.
— Johnny Sobczak (@JohnnySobczak) April 28, 2023
#GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3 is a beautiful love letter to the universe’s best ragtag group of misfits. What I loved most about it is that it’s a story about the bonds of chosen family thru deep trauma… that just so happens to be a Marvel movie. Rocket and his arc are the MVP.
— Manning Franks (@Cine_Mann) April 28, 2023
I don't even know what to say. #GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3 is the most satisfying end to a trilogy since The Return of the Jedi. I laughed. I cried. Mostly at the same time. I can't be sad it's gone because I'm so happy it was here. Goodbye friends. Thank you @JamesGunn.
— Dirk Libbey (@ThemeParkDirk) April 28, 2023
#GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3 all around this was a better film than the second. This had some epic action moments, interesting progression for the characters, & a great emotional arc for Rocket and the main villain. But some things I wanted more depth/weight but a good time still.
— Samuel Leggett Jr (Loved X-Men97) (@SuperSel0320) April 28, 2023
Marvel cracked open the good stuff for this one, folks. I’d say it’s Top 5 for Marvel Studios – a great example of expert storytelling matched w/ excellent pacing. This thing moves – every scene means something & pushes us forward. #GotGVol3
— Erik Davis (@ErikDavis) April 28, 2023
James Gunn’s GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 3 is beautiful & badass – an awesome conclusion to a damn epic trilogy. The pacing, the music, the heart, the humor, the sadness, the lovable lunacy – Gunn delivers his finest work yet. It’s perfect. #GotGVol3
— Erik Davis (@ErikDavis) April 28, 2023
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 is a brilliant end to a brilliant trilogy. It's very funny, emotional and everybody gets their stand-out moment. Will Poulter's Warlock is a terrific addition, yet the focus is rightly on telling a satisfying end for the Guardians. Gonna miss them.
— Ian Sandwell (@ian_sandwell) April 22, 2023
#GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3 is, more than ever, Star Wars as a stoner comedy. Lovable weirdos, big Marvel action and goofy jokes. But nothing can prepare you for all the emotions. Rocket Raccoon’s origin story is beautiful and heart-wrenching.
— Alexander Kardelo (@dunerfors) April 22, 2023
Can confirm that I shed a tear during #GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3 . And that I would very happily watch an Adam Warlock solo movie. Full review (and interviews with the cast) coming very soon.
— Rory Cashin (@roarEcashin) April 22, 2023